
Welcome to the blog that's keeping track of the madness that is my summer! If you're just joining in, check out the Welcome Post to get acquainted with what I'm talkin bout. Otherwise, enjoy, and please comment! Ask questions, concerns, requests, all of the things that pop into your head, I'll respond to. I almost promise.


Monday, May 30, 2011



Welcome to my blog about my summer. The goal is simple: keep the most people updated in the simplest way possible, while possibly providing entertainment along the way. I have a busy and potentially exciting summer ahead of me, and I want to keep track of it, both for me and for others.

The idea came when 5 different people asked me how my 5 day backpacking trip with my KIN 551 class and Randy Pierce, the blind hiker (Check out 2020visionquest.org). I wanted to try to say what the trip meant to me, but had no way of doing so. Instead, I want to keep track of my thoughts and my daily/weekly doings so I can point people here when they ask.
Here's what I have in store for this summer:

- Graduate from UNH with a Bachelors in Philosophy after 5 years of Undergraduate Education, with Roomies Tobi and Brendan! - DONE
- 5 Day Backpacking trip in the Whites with my KIN 551 class- DONE
- 3 Weeks in Europe - Current
- Developping Catfro Printing, Kyle VanEtten and my T-shirt printing company
- Working with Public Outreach in Boston, canvassing for non-profits
- Possibly working as a waiter/server at a restaurant
- Making music boxes at a woodshop to sell
- Helping out at a Recording studio, possibly doing my own stuff and learning along the way
- Taking the written exam and becoming registered as an EMT-Basic in New Hampshire
- Volunteering as an EMT basic
- Living in NewMarket part-time
- Fundraising for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship staff (intervarsity.org)
- Developping a new Student Org for UNH (Student Volunteer Action Center)
- Meeting with professors, administrators, and other UNH staff to help in the above
- Shadowing opportunities at the UNH Browne Center for Challenge Course facilitation
- Helping out with Northeast Regional Association of Experiential Education (AEE)
- Week long family vacation at Ocean Park / Old Orchard Beach with the Ranney clan
- Week of guiding a Trek out of TL Storer Scout Camp
- 4-6 day backpacking trip with the men of InterVarsity using my house in Kingfield, ME as base camp
- Bible Studies whenever I can
- Learning more about my faith
- Loving my friends and family
- Meeting new people
- Registering for a non-degree grad course for next semester.

That's a long list. That's why I want to keep this blog. So that people can keep in touch and track of what's going on, so that I can keep sane, so that I can look back at this in a few years and know how successful/unsuccessful this summer was. So that my brain doesn't try any revisionist history on me and I have accurate accounts of what is going on.

I'll leave it at that for now. I'm going to need a lot of prayer, and to do a lot of praying each day. I'm giving this list up to God, to cross of anything He doesn't want me doing, and to be sure that I am glorifying Him in everything I do. Can't say I'll be perfect in this. And I'll need a whole heck of a lot of help in all of this.

Also, if you have any prayer requests, let me know!

Coming up Soon:

Europe Trip Updates!
Backpacking Trip Synopsis!

Peace, and God Bless!


  1. Hey Sean, it sure looks like an awesome (in all good senses of the word ;) summer for you! Good luck with your endeavors - I too am working on a blog this summer (majoringinunhstudies@blogspot.com) though not during world-travel adventures. Looking forward to reading of what you learn from the world and God!

  2. Sean man,
    Good times at HUH!

    P.S. These guys got nothing on us.
