
Welcome to the blog that's keeping track of the madness that is my summer! If you're just joining in, check out the Welcome Post to get acquainted with what I'm talkin bout. Otherwise, enjoy, and please comment! Ask questions, concerns, requests, all of the things that pop into your head, I'll respond to. I almost promise.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Quick Update: Day 2...

... during which we learn about the problems of heavy partying and trying to have a productive day the next day; the Dublin Zoo is awesome; Jameson is pretty good in Ginger Ale; some advice for hostel jumping; and Irish food is better than anyone can tell you. 

So Day 2. Let's see how quick I can recap:

- Rough Morning
      We had planned on waking up a bit early to head back out on the "Hop on Hop off" bus tour. However, our late night shenanigans really hurt that process. After breakfast of oatmeal left over from my backpacking trip and showers, we trudged our way to the bus stop, where we got on and made it to the Dublin Zoo. Quick Lesson: Seeing things in Europe is a great idea. Meeting people at night and sharing about life is also a great idea. Find the balance!

- Zoos are awesome places for dates
       I've always understood this. If you want to enjoy animals, find out some really cool facts, and take a person out on a date, go to the zoo. Teddie and I grabbed some coffee and food before we went in, and we made a full loop of the Dublin Zoo. I have to say, I was impressed, and I learned a number of cool new things, like
did you know that more people die from hippo attacks each year than tiger attacks? Yup! Or that monkeys are eerily human-like and usually adorable? Probably knew that one I know.
       At any rate, Teddie and I noticed that there were a lot of younger couples walking around, which had Teddie explaining that when he gets back Stateside, that will be the next date he takes anyone one. I'm all for that idea. I love dates to interesting places, for example anywhere not the movies. har har har (some movies are interesting, I will give that) But really places like museums, cathedrals, art galleries, and more. I'm glad it held true! More to come on this later.

- Jameson tastes good with Ginger Ale
    In the past, one of my biggest skepticisms when it came to drinking alcohol was people claiming they did it because "it tastes good!" I always thought that was bullocks. Then I tried Guinness, and I've had a few beers and drinks since then that really back this up. At any rate, we went on a tour of the distillery (which you can see pics and videos of later!) and at the end got a free drink. Ginger ale and Jameson for me! And dangit, it really did taste very good. Now, all we have to do is figure out how to get that taste without having any alcohol attached to it (or change the affect of alcohol on our bodies, something in that vein)... Anyone? No? Let me know when it happens.

- Listen to your parents, and listen to this about Hostels
    Soooo Teddie and I are paying the price (literally) of not listening to our parents when they said book stuff way in advance. We tried booking a hostel in Galway for Saturday night only to find that no hostels were available. So, one expensive guest house later... we learn! Here's the catch though: timing is everything. If you're ever looking to hostel jump cheaply, you should definitely think about your itinerary more than a few days beforehand. However, you can still pull off the day-before-cheap-hostel-find. Which gives you plenty of freedom to bum around Europe. The key?
     Find out when the local holidays are! and watch out for weekends! Apparently this weekend is a local holiday in Ireland, and today was the first we'd heard about it. Thus, no hostels were available on Saturday night. Not surprising at all! Furthermore, weekends are prime time for traveling, so hostels fill up early. Thus, I'd recommend buying your spot in a hostel early for your weekends and playing it more by ear during the week. Then again, if you're someone who can't stand being unplanned... well... :-) Heed not my advice, and just book 'em!

- Irish Food Rocks
   We totally took it easy tonight. Brazen Head, oldest pub in Ireland, serves some amazing food. We'll load pictures later. But pictures and reading this will not do it justice. I'm sure Teddie will give the rave reviews later. Let's just put it this way: Any traditional Irish stew you may have thought you had in America, and any burger... just does not compare! I'm happy we got to take it easy tonight, because we're up really early tomorrow to head out to Galway for some bus tours etc. We'll keep you updated, and I'd love to hear from y'all with questions and feedback.

As always, God bless, keep it real, and prayers go out to you!

With love,
~Sean Edward Matthews XXIII


  1. Try not to be amazed when you kids won't listen to what you have say. Believe me they always know more than you do.

  2. :-) It was with no intended slight or disrespect. We weren't dragging our feet on purpose, we just wanted to leave a little extra wiggle room in the trip. We apparently didn't have to pay for the guest house... just learned that we could have (and will be) staying at the hostel we're at now for 10 Euro tonight. So, we lose some money on the guest house from cancellation, buuut it's working out!

    All of my defensive reaction aside, I'll definitely be booking any hostels at least 2 nights in advance for the weekday, and a week or two in advance for weekends (particularly on Holidays).

    And, this trip wouldn't be possible at all without your help in everything. We're listening. We're just comfortable with uncertainty.

  3. basically book your hostels 6 days in advancement. Plan your route be flexible in your plans. Stay near old people and toddlers if you wanna stay safe. Don't go into private houses with people. Stay away from alleys at night. lock your bags and your backpacks.
